Consulting Services That Helped PRO TECT Associates, Inc.
- Unlock Unrealized Potential
- Streamline Operations
- Improve Communication & Reporting
Earl Bowers’ Experience Working With American Management Services:
Thank you for the adventure that your team has taken us on. The team of Barry, Brand, Feld, Hawkens, Lockey, Mosca, and Sheppard challenged and tested us and our company platforms beyond what we could have ever expected or would have asked.
The strength of your team, assembled to analyze our company and complete the Business Survey, was in the diversity of experience that each team member brought to the Pro Tact Project.
I loved when the Business Survey reported that we were not a business in trouble but a good business with much-unrealized potential. This perspective was actually inspiring and motivational.
Then, Robert Hawkens arrived with his tart humor and straight-ahead approach to owning and operating a business. He made what seemed like an insurmountable task a possibility.
He led us in assessing what we had to work with and what was needed, goal setting, and actions to be taken to fulfill those goals.
A new business plan was born based on the reality of our history and focusing on our hope for the future. A profit-based budget that supported our business plan and set us on a course of accomplishment to ensure the future.
He walked us through our business, the makeup of our team, the operative systems that were tested for weaknesses and strengths, and what and how to improve.
He helped to improve our communications as a family business with our strengths and weaknesses. Report systems were set up for taking measures of our efforts to stay on budget and reach our goals, supported by an emphasis on the importance of group discussion of the facts behind these reports.
This allows timely actions to stay on course or get on the course, and the case may be. Before, it seemed the business was running us, but now we can run the business with tools providing intentional actions that assure us that we can reach our goals.
It’s been amazing; It’s been expensive. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.
American Management Services is one of the best-kept secrets in the business world. What fresh air is to each of us is what American Management Services is to businesses who have lost their vision or the rudder to steer the ship.
Ask me, I know.
With sincere gratitude and thanks,
- Earl M Bowers, President
- PRO TECT Associates, Inc.
- 1-888-532-0251
3215 Commercial Ave
Northbrook, IL 60062